Culture Corruption and Insurgency: Threats and Quest for Survival in Nagaland
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The Naga Issue, demanding an autonomous " Nagalism' has been a boiling pot that led the oldest insergency in India. While there are multiple factors that have boost to insergency in Nagaland, the author has striven to asertain the relationship between culture, Corruption and insergency in the state. Additionally the study comprised the connectdness between the government and the people of Nagaland, theoritical perspective of counterinsergecy and policy recommodention. By incorporating the verbatism version echoed by a few police authorities the study has vividly explained the ground reality of insergency, and thereby making the research coherent and intresting.
The Naga Issue, demanding an autonomous " Nagalism' has been a boiling pot that led the oldest insergency in India. While there are multiple factors that have boost to insergency in Nagaland, the author has striven to asertain the relationship between culture, Corruption and insergency in the state. Additionally the study comprised the connectdness between the government and the people of Nagaland, theoritical perspective of counterinsergecy and policy recommodention. By incorporating the verbatism version echoed by a few police authorities the study has vividly explained the ground reality of insergency, and thereby making the research coherent and intresting.
: Culture Corruption and Insurgency: Threats and Quest for Survival in Nagaland